Jim Moores - Managing Director

History of CHARMS

Founded 1996 in the UK

CHARMS Software

Founded in 1996 by Jim Moores, pictured, CHARMS is the software solution created by Social Care Network LLC (SCN). SCN is a not-for-profit social enterprise and exists to serve the care community by delivering an online, secure system - CHARMS™ - to help care providers to keep their records safe. 1,000s of sites now use CHARMS across the UK, Republic of Ireland and now the USA.

Jim worked in the UK Civil Service and then in local government working closely with the adoption, fostering and residential teams to help them use fledgling computer systems. It became clear that users simply wanted to record case notes quickly and easily - and not fight with big, complicated systems.

More than 25 years later CHARMS is the most developed, refined and dedicated software for social care agencies and is used daily by more than 40,000 users. Secure, protected, and connected.

Social Care Network LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Social Care Network Solutions Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales.